Version | Date | Changes | Comments |
6.1.0 | Jun 16, 2021 | Initial Version | |
6.1.1 | Feb 8, 2022 | Updated Stop Info and Load Info API |
The document assumes native nuDeliverIt field-naming conventions. nuDeliverIt can be used in a wide variety of business delivery application and the field names represented here may not directly represent the use of these fields in your specific application.
It is recommended to read this document along with the understanding of integration of inbound interfaces.
Document Terminology | nuDeliverIt Use | Associated Industry Terminology |
Stop | Destination for performing work activities such as delivery, pickup, service, field work etc. | Customer location, destination, site. |
Load | A sequence of stops combined and assigned to a person. The load contains all the stops in the sequence. | Work schedule, Route, truck path, delivery run, service run. |
Driver | Represents the personnel deployed for the Load | Driver, trucker, delivery man, technician |
Comments | Set of instructions sent to the driver. Comments can be associated with the stop or the load. Note: Only specific comment types are sent to the driver. | Special instructions, delivery instructions, Customer request. |
Product Identifier | Used to uniquely identify the product during delivery/pickup or use. This could represent the bar code if scanning is used in the system. | SKU barcode, Package barcode, Item barcode, service number, part, pickup tracking number, delivery tracking number. |
Host | This indicates your server from which orders or routes will be sent to nuDeliverIt server | Server |
If the Load ID exists then it will return the load info along with events.
companyCode required | string Company code to which the Load belongs |
loadNbr required | string Unique alphanumeric value used to refer a Load |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
No information available for the provided request parameters.
Internal server error
{- "Load": {
- "loadHeader": {
- "loadNbr": "Load_ND_1",
- "routeName": "Route-101",
- "earliestStartDttm": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "latestStartDttm": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "originAddr1": "1000 Circle 75 Pkwy",
- "originAddr2": "Villa Chase Drive",
- "originCity": "Atlanta",
- "originState": "GA",
- "originZip": 30339,
- "originCountry": "US",
- "origin": "nuVizz",
- "originName": "nuVizz Inc",
- "originPhoneNumber": 4073241456,
- "loadTimeZone": "US/Eastern",
- "originLatitude": 37.998789,
- "originLongitude": -87.788786,
- "depot": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "masterBol": "567BGH",
- "pronbr": "PRO2392382",
- "reference": "123a1",
- "reference2": "123a2",
- "reference3": "123a3",
- "sealNbr": "SN123",
- "stopSeqOrder": "1",
- "totalCartons": "10",
- "totalPallets": "8",
- "tractorNbr": "123TriNBR",
- "trailerNbr": "234TRCNBR",
- "trailerSize": "full or partial",
- "trailerType": "TrailerType",
- "volume": 3000,
- "volumeUOM": "CU.FT.",
- "weight": 244,
- "weightUOM": "LBS",
- "contractCode": 1,
- "cusAccNbr": "UTE123",
- "cusBillAmt": 35.25,
- "profile": "Electronics",
- "prePlannedLoadDistance": 34.4,
- "prePlannedLoadDuration": 3.5,
- "returnToDepot": "ALWAYS",
- "delayReasonCode": 11,
- "delayReasonCodeComment": "Delay due to traffic congestion",
- "workType": "CustomerSurveyForm",
- "congestionFactor": 1.9,
- "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "customAttributes": [
- {
- "keyField": "Ratings",
- "keyValue": "Good"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "description": "Delivery confirmation document",
- "dispositionType": "Requires Signature",
- "documentData": "png file",
- "documentExtType": "Velocity Template",
- "documentName": "DeliveryDocument",
- "documentType": "03",
- "documentCategory": "BOL",
- "reference": "fbaecf83-c13e-4246-8b54-cae18af3ea39",
- "docSignatories": [
- {
- "role": "DI_Driver",
- "signatoryName": "Customer",
- "optional": true
}, - "loadExecutionInfo": {
- "loadStatus": 90,
- "actualStartDTTM": "2020-04-21T11:00:00",
- "actualStartTimeZone": "America/New_York",
- "actualEndDTTM": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "actualEndTimeZone": "America/New_York"
}, - "loadAssignment": {
- "carrierCode": "XYZBP",
- "assignmentCriteria": 1,
- "driverCdl": 98724890,
- "driverEmail": "",
- "driverName": "John Smith",
- "driverUserName": "JohnSmith"
}, - "stops": [
- {
- "stop": {
- "stopNbr": "Stop039",
- "stopSeq": "1",
- "stopType": "DO",
- "from": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "txnRef": 45367463,
- "seq": "1",
- "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "EST",
- "estimatedDuration": "20"
}, - "workType": "CustomerSurveyForm",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "to": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "txnRef": 45367463,
- "seq": "1",
- "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "EST",
- "estimatedDuration": "20"
}, - "workType": "CustomerSurveyForm",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "shipForBP": "1163",
- "shipperCode": "S201",
- "profile": "Electronics",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "markfor": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "shipmentNbr": "ShipmentNbr003",
- "doConfirmation": "01",
- "puConfirmation": "00",
- "hubId": "LM1",
- "trailerCode": "tc2",
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "billTo": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "bol": "MBOL39203",
- "freightTerms": "new DC",
- "proNumber": "TC123",
- "reference1": "TCS1001",
- "reference2": "TCS1002",
- "sealNbr": 1,
- "stopPriority": 1,
- "totalCartons": "10",
- "totalPallets": "8",
- "volume": "10",
- "volumeUOM": "CBM",
- "weight": "100",
- "weightUOM": "Kg",
- "scheduleAttribute": "10S1",
- "markAsReceived": true,
- "receivedDttm": "2001-12-31T12:00:00",
- "laneNumber": "L1",
- "deliveryAttempt": 1,
- "altStopSeq": "A10",
- "stopGeofenceRadius": 150,
- "criticalDimension": "123.85",
- "criticalDimensionUOM": "inch",
- "totalPrice": "123.85",
- "stopAccessorials": [
- {
- "code": "ACC",
- "comments": "ACC report for Stop"
], - "stopDetails": [
- {
- "product": "SK-1932A-BRN-900",
- "productIdentifier": "zx_24",
- "quantity": "1",
- "quantityUOM": "Cartons",
- "stopDetailSeq": 1,
- "markfor": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "palletID": "235AZRFTG",
- "orderDate": "2019-12-10",
- "toteID": 132245565,
- "trailerCode": "tcl",
- "ratingGroup": "018004789R",
- "signatureGroup": "SIG03",
- "deliveryType": "DO",
- "customerPO": "100PO",
- "custRouteNbr": 151,
- "custStopNbr": 135,
- "customerOrderNbr": 124234356,
- "invoiceNbr": 102345001,
- "invoiceDate": "2019-12-09",
- "pickingNumber": "904729",
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "confirmationType": "P",
- "lineType": 1,
- "referenceText": "Fragile item",
- "originalLineNumber": "10",
- "serviceCategory": "UNITS@20151021-0047-PALLET_1-003",
- "volume": "10",
- "volumeUOM": "cubic meters",
- "weight": "100",
- "weightUOM": "kilograms",
- "unitPrice": 40.1,
- "productCategory": "DRY",
- "productSubCategory": "Boxes & Trays",
- "substituteItem": true,
- "commitmentItem": true,
- "redelivery": true,
- "earliestDTTM": "2019-03-25T10:30:00",
- "latestDTTM": "2019-03-25T10:33:00",
- "length": "123.85",
- "lengthUOM": "inch",
- "width": "123.85",
- "widthUOM": "inch",
- "height": "123.85",
- "heightUOM": "inch",
- "criticalDimension": "123.85",
- "criticalDimensionUOM": "inch",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "cartonContents": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "qty": 0
], - "confirmed": {
- "confirmedQty": "28",
- "scannedQty": "28",
- "puConfirmedQty": "28",
- "puScannedQty": "28",
- "exceptionReasonCode": "DMG",
- "exceptionComments": "Packing was damaged",
- "rcvQty": "28",
- "rcvScndQty": "28"
], - "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "customAttributes": [
- {
- "keyField": "Ratings",
- "keyValue": "Good"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "description": "Delivery confirmation document",
- "dispositionType": "Requires Signature",
- "documentData": "png file",
- "documentExtType": "Velocity Template",
- "documentName": "DeliveryDocument",
- "documentType": "03",
- "documentCategory": "BOL",
- "reference": "fbaecf83-c13e-4246-8b54-cae18af3ea39",
- "docSignatories": [
- {
- "role": "DI_Driver",
- "signatoryName": "Customer",
- "optional": true
], - "stopAssignment": {
- "carrierCode": "XYZBP",
- "assignmentCriteria": 1
}, - "stopExecutionInfo": {
- "stopStatus": "10",
- "receiveStatus": "10",
- "receiveDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "from": {
- "plannedEtaDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "arrivalDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "confirmedDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "departureDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "duration": 22
}, - "to": {
- "plannedEtaDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "arrivalDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "confirmedDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "departureDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "duration": 22
}, - "exceptionPresent": true,
- "exceptions": [
- {
- "exceptionCode": "AH",
- "exceptionDesc": "After Hours"
], - "cancellation": {
- "reasonCode": "ADR",
- "reasonDesc": "Invalid Address",
- "cancelDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "cancelTimeZone": "GMT"
Imports the load in asynchronous mode.
serviceName required | string serviceName refer to custom integration for the company, set to "default" if not using a custom integration |
companyCode required | string Company Code to which the Load belongs to |
companyCode required | string <= 20 characters CompanyCode from application |
loads required | Array of objects (Loads) |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "companyCode": "XYZ",
- "loads": [
- {
- "loadHeader": {
- "loadNbr": "Load_PB_911",
- "earliestStartDttm": "2001-12-31T12:00:00",
- "latestStartDttm": "2001-12-31T12:00:00",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "originAddr1": "1000 Circle 75 Pkwy",
- "originAddr2": "Suite#700",
- "originCity": "Atlanta",
- "originState": "GA",
- "originZip": "30339",
- "originCountry": "US",
- "origin": "Nuvizz",
- "originName": "Nuvizz Inc",
- "originPhoneNumber": "4049371971",
- "loadTimeZone": "EST",
- "originLatitude": 0,
- "originLongitude": 0,
- "depot": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "masterBol": "001",
- "pronbr": "002",
- "reference": "112345",
- "reference2": "456789",
- "reference3": "123456",
- "sealNbr": "01",
- "stopSeqOrder": 1,
- "totalCartons": 1,
- "totalPallets": 1,
- "tractorNbr": "54331",
- "trailerNbr": "12 I 45",
- "trailerSize": 456,
- "trailerType": 456,
- "volume": 10,
- "volumeUOM": "CBM",
- "weight": 100,
- "weightUOM": "Kg",
- "contractCode": "007",
- "prePlannedLoadDistance": 10,
- "prePlannedLoadDuration": 10,
- "congestionFactor": 1.9,
- "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Load is deliver to multiple customer"
}, - {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Get signature for load"
], - "customAttributes": [
- {
- "keyField": "Ratings",
- "keyValue": "Good"
}, - {
- "keyField": "Cost",
- "keyValue": "High"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "description": "BOL",
- "dispositionType": 11,
- "documentData": "binday file data",
- "documentExtType": "pdf",
- "documentName": "Load BOL",
- "documentType": 1,
- "documentCategory": "FADR",
- "reference": "dc9382ee-3fdb-4d93-ad15-863ddde9eaea",
- "docSignatories": [
- {
- "role": "DI_Driver",
- "signatoryName": "Customer",
- "optional": 0
}, - "stops": [
- {
- "stopNbr": "Stop001",
- "stopSeq": 1,
- "stopType": "DO",
- "from": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "seq": 1,
- "txnRef": 40283,
- "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "GMT",
- "estDuration": 20
}, - "workType": "XXXX",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "to": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Test-Stop",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "txnRef": 40224,
- "seq": 2,
- "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "4049371973",
- "sms": "4049371973"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "GMT",
- "estDuration": 20
}, - "workType": "CustomerSurvey",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "shipmentNbr": "ShipmentNbr001",
- "accountNumber": 1,
- "billTo": {
- "name": "test",
- "addr1": "1001 NOrth Taylor Road",
- "addr2": null,
- "city": "Rome",
- "state": "IL",
- "zip": "60446",
- "country": "US",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "bol": "BOL001",
- "markfor": {
- "address": {
- "addr1": "5725 NE 138th Ave",
- "addr2": "",
- "city": "Portland",
- "state": "OR",
- "zip": "97230",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "",
- "latitude": "",
- "longitude": ""
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "",
- "sms": ""
}, - "freightTerms": 1,
- "proNumber": 7549357,
- "reference1": "9753AHB",
- "reference2": "9024DCK",
- "sealNbr": 1,
- "stopPriority": 1,
- "totalCartons": 1,
- "totalPallets": 1,
- "puConfirmation": "SKIP",
- "doConfirmation": "SCAN-VER",
- "volume": 10,
- "volumeUOM": "CBM",
- "weight": 100,
- "weightUOM": "Kg",
- "scheduleAttribute": "NA",
- "markAsReceived": false,
- "receivedDttm": "2001-12-31T12:00:00",
- "laneNumber": "01",
- "deliveryAttempt": 0,
- "altStopSeq": 200,
- "stopGeofenceRadius": 10,
- "profile": "Electronics",
- "stopAccessorials": [
- {
- "code": "RDE",
- "comments": "ACC"
], - "stopDetails": [
- {
- "product": "SK-1932A-BRN-2",
- "productIdentifier": "708107210227582969",
- "quantity": 1,
- "quantityUOM": "Cartons",
- "stopDetailSeq": 1,
- "deliveryType": "PU",
- "pickingNumber": 1,
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "confirmationType": "P",
- "lineType": "01",
- "referenceText": "Fragile item",
- "originalLineNumber": "21",
- "serviceCategory": "UNITS@20151021-0047-PALLET_1-003",
- "volume": 10,
- "volumeUOM": "CBM",
- "weight": 100,
- "weightUOM": "Kg",
- "unitPrice": 0,
- "productCategory": "DRY",
- "productSubCategory": "Boxes & Trays",
- "substituteItem": true,
- "commitmentItem": true,
- "redelivery": true,
- "markfor": {
- "address": {
- "addr1": "5725 NE 138th Ave",
- "addr2": "",
- "city": "Portland",
- "state": "OR",
- "zip": "97230",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "",
- "latitude": "",
- "longitude": ""
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "",
- "sms": ""
}, - "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "This item is Fragile handel with care"
], - "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "customAttributes": [
- {
- "keyField": "Ratings",
- "keyValue": "Good"
}, - {
- "keyField": "Cost",
- "keyValue": "High"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "description": "BOL",
- "dispositionType": 11,
- "documentData": "binday file data",
- "documentExtType": "pdf",
- "documentName": "Load BOL",
- "documentType": 1,
- "documentCategory": "FADR",
- "reference": "dc9382ee-3fdb-4d93-ad15-863ddde9eaea",
- "docSignatories": [
- {
- "role": "DI_Driver",
- "signatoryName": "Customer",
- "optional": 0
], - "loadAssignment": {
- "carrierCode": "XYZBP",
- "assignmentCriteria": 1,
- "driverCdl": 98724890,
- "driverEmail": "",
- "driverName": "admin",
- "driverUserName": "driver"
{- "status": "Success"
Assign a Load to a Carrier/Bussiness Partner by specifying the CarrierCode of the carrier.
companyCode required | string Company Code to which the Load belongs |
loadNbr required | string Unique alpha numeric value used to refer a Load |
carrierCode required | string <= 10 characters Load assigned carrier code. |
assignmentCriteria | string <= 10 characters It has a value 01 and when given so will look for the corresponding carrier code and assign the Load to available driver of that carrier. |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "carrierCode": "XYZBP",
- "assignmentCriteria": "01"
{- "status": "Success"
Unassign a Load from the Carrier/BusinessPartner
companyCode required | string Company Code of the Load/Route Owner |
loadNbr required | string Unique alpha numeric value used to refer a Load |
carrierCode required | string <= 10 characters Load assigned carrier code. |
assignmentCriteria | string <= 10 characters It has a value 01 and when given so will look for the corresponding carrier code and assign the Load to available driver of that carrier. |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "carrierCode": "XYZBP",
- "assignmentCriteria": "01"
{- "status": "Success"
Assign a Load to a driver
companyCode required | string Company Code of Load/Route |
loadNbr required | string Unique alpha numeric value used to refer a Load |
driverEmail | string <= 50 characters Email ID of Driver assigned. |
driverName | string <= 50 characters Refers to First and Last names of Driver. |
assignmentCriteria | string <= 10 characters Load assignment criteria when set as 01 will look for available driver and assign Load to that driver. |
driverCdl | string <= 10 characters Load assigned driver licence. |
driverUserName | string <= 50 characters Refers to Driver User Name. |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "driverEmail": "",
- "driverName": "John Smith",
- "assignmentCriteria": "01",
- "driverCdl": 98724890,
- "driverUserName": "JohnSmith"
{- "status": "Success"
Unassigning a a Load from a Driver
companyCode required | string Company Code of Load/Route |
loadNbr required | string Unique alpha numeric value used to refer a Load |
driverEmail | string <= 50 characters Email ID of Driver assigned. |
driverName | string <= 50 characters Refers to First and Last names of Driver. |
assignmentCriteria | string <= 10 characters Load assignment criteria when set as 01 will look for available driver and assign Load to that driver. |
driverCdl | string <= 10 characters Load assigned driver licence. |
driverUserName | string <= 50 characters Refers to Driver User Name. |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "driverEmail": "",
- "driverName": "John Smith",
- "assignmentCriteria": "01",
- "driverCdl": 98724890,
- "driverUserName": "JohnSmith"
{- "status": "Success"
Delete/Reject a Load that is unassigned from a Driver and move it to cancelled status
companyCode required | string Company Code of Load/Route |
loadNbr required | string <= 20 characters Unique alphanumeric value that refers to a Load. |
reasonCode required | string <= 10 characters reasonCode is the system code that refers to a particular reaon for canceling the Load. |
reasonComments | string <= 500 characters Comments included when canceling the Load. |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "loadNbr": "L1230001",
- "reasonCode": "01",
- "reasonComments": "Duplicated orders on this Load"
{- "status": "Success"
Details of a Stop/Order which is usually the product name, quantity, capacity constraints etc.
companyCode required | string Company Code of Stop |
stopNbr required | string Unique alpha numeric value used to refer a Stop/Order |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
No information available for the provided request parameters.
Internal server error
{- "Stop": {
- "stop": {
- "stopNbr": "Stop039",
- "stopSeq": "1",
- "stopType": "DO",
- "from": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "txnRef": 45367463,
- "seq": "1",
- "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "EST",
- "estimatedDuration": "20"
}, - "workType": "CustomerSurveyForm",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "to": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "txnRef": 45367463,
- "seq": "1",
- "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "EST",
- "estimatedDuration": "20"
}, - "workType": "CustomerSurveyForm",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "shipForBP": "1163",
- "shipperCode": "S201",
- "profile": "Electronics",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "markfor": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "shipmentNbr": "ShipmentNbr003",
- "doConfirmation": "01",
- "puConfirmation": "00",
- "hubId": "LM1",
- "trailerCode": "tc2",
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "billTo": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "bol": "MBOL39203",
- "freightTerms": "new DC",
- "proNumber": "TC123",
- "reference1": "TCS1001",
- "reference2": "TCS1002",
- "sealNbr": 1,
- "stopPriority": 1,
- "totalCartons": "10",
- "totalPallets": "8",
- "volume": "10",
- "volumeUOM": "CBM",
- "weight": "100",
- "weightUOM": "Kg",
- "scheduleAttribute": "10S1",
- "markAsReceived": true,
- "receivedDttm": "2001-12-31T12:00:00",
- "laneNumber": "L1",
- "deliveryAttempt": 1,
- "altStopSeq": "A10",
- "stopGeofenceRadius": 150,
- "criticalDimension": "123.85",
- "criticalDimensionUOM": "inch",
- "totalPrice": "123.85",
- "stopAccessorials": [
- {
- "code": "ACC",
- "comments": "ACC report for Stop"
], - "stopDetails": [
- {
- "product": "SK-1932A-BRN-900",
- "productIdentifier": "zx_24",
- "quantity": "1",
- "quantityUOM": "Cartons",
- "stopDetailSeq": 1,
- "markfor": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "palletID": "235AZRFTG",
- "orderDate": "2019-12-10",
- "toteID": 132245565,
- "trailerCode": "tcl",
- "ratingGroup": "018004789R",
- "signatureGroup": "SIG03",
- "deliveryType": "DO",
- "customerPO": "100PO",
- "custRouteNbr": 151,
- "custStopNbr": 135,
- "customerOrderNbr": 124234356,
- "invoiceNbr": 102345001,
- "invoiceDate": "2019-12-09",
- "pickingNumber": "904729",
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "confirmationType": "P",
- "lineType": 1,
- "referenceText": "Fragile item",
- "originalLineNumber": "10",
- "serviceCategory": "UNITS@20151021-0047-PALLET_1-003",
- "volume": "10",
- "volumeUOM": "cubic meters",
- "weight": "100",
- "weightUOM": "kilograms",
- "unitPrice": 40.1,
- "productCategory": "DRY",
- "productSubCategory": "Boxes & Trays",
- "substituteItem": true,
- "commitmentItem": true,
- "redelivery": true,
- "earliestDTTM": "2019-03-25T10:30:00",
- "latestDTTM": "2019-03-25T10:33:00",
- "length": "123.85",
- "lengthUOM": "inch",
- "width": "123.85",
- "widthUOM": "inch",
- "height": "123.85",
- "heightUOM": "inch",
- "criticalDimension": "123.85",
- "criticalDimensionUOM": "inch",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "cartonContents": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "qty": 0
], - "confirmed": {
- "confirmedQty": "28",
- "scannedQty": "28",
- "puConfirmedQty": "28",
- "puScannedQty": "28",
- "exceptionReasonCode": "DMG",
- "exceptionComments": "Packing was damaged",
- "rcvQty": "28",
- "rcvScndQty": "28"
], - "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "customAttributes": [
- {
- "keyField": "Ratings",
- "keyValue": "Good"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "description": "Delivery confirmation document",
- "dispositionType": "Requires Signature",
- "documentData": "png file",
- "documentExtType": "Velocity Template",
- "documentName": "DeliveryDocument",
- "documentType": "03",
- "documentCategory": "BOL",
- "reference": "fbaecf83-c13e-4246-8b54-cae18af3ea39",
- "docSignatories": [
- {
- "role": "DI_Driver",
- "signatoryName": "Customer",
- "optional": true
], - "stopAssignment": {
- "carrierCode": "XYZBP",
- "assignmentCriteria": 1
}, - "load": {
- "loadNbr": "ROUTE02390",
- "driverName": "John Smith",
- "vehicleNbr": "vehicle1"
}, - "stopExecutionInfo": {
- "stopStatus": "10",
- "receiveStatus": "10",
- "receiveDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "from": {
- "plannedEtaDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "arrivalDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "confirmedDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "departureDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "duration": 22
}, - "to": {
- "plannedEtaDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "arrivalDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "confirmedDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "departureDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "duration": 22
}, - "exceptionPresent": true,
- "exceptions": [
- {
- "exceptionCode": "AH",
- "exceptionDesc": "After Hours"
], - "cancellation": {
- "reasonCode": "ADR",
- "reasonDesc": "Invalid Address",
- "cancelDTTM": "2022-03-25T10:30:00",
- "cancelTimeZone": "GMT"
Import a Stop/Order for a certain Company
serviceName required | string serviceName refer to custom integration for the company, set to "default" if not using a custom integration |
companyCode required | string Company Code of Stop |
companyCode required | string <= 20 characters Company Code of Stop. |
stops required | Array of objects (Stops) |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "companyCode": "XYZ,",
- "stops": [
- {
- "stopNbr": "Stop039",
- "trailerCode": "tc1",
- "stopSeq": 1,
- "stopType": "DO",
- "from": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "GMT",
- "estDuration": 20
}, - "workType": "XXXX",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey",
- "to": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Test-Stop",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "4049371973",
- "sms": "4049371973"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "GMT",
- "estDuration": 20
}, - "workType": "XXXX",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "markfor": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974,",
- "sms": "3489865974,"
}, - "billTo": {
- "name": "test",
- "addr1": "1001 NOrth Taylor Road",
- "addr2": null,
- "city": "Rome",
- "state": "IL",
- "zip": "60446",
- "country": "US",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "bol": "eManifestNumber",
- "puConfirmation": "SKIP",
- "doConfirmation": "SCAN-VER",
- "profile": "Electronics",
- "comments": {
- "commentType": 1,
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
}, - "stopDetails": [
- {
- "product": "ca629-2-3",
- "productIdentifier": "zx_24",
- "productCategory": "DRY",
- "deliveryType": "DO",
- "quantity": 1,
- "quantityUOM": "Cartons",
- "stopDetailSeq": 1,
- "markfor": {
- "address": {
- "addr1": "1503 SOUTH RUSSELL STREET",
- "addr2": "",
- "city": "MISSOULA",
- "state": "MT",
- "zip": "59801",
- "country": "US",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": null,
- "phone": null,
- "sms": null
}, - "custRouteNbr": 151,
- "custStopNbr": 135,
- "customerPO": "100PO",
- "customerOrderNbr": 124234356,
- "orderDate": "2019-12-10T00:00:00.000Z",
- "invoiceNbr": 102345001,
- "invoiceDate": "2019-12-09T00:00:00.000Z",
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "toteID": 132245565,
- "trailerCode": "tc1",
- "ratingGroup": "018004789R",
- "signatureGroup": "SIG03",
- "palletID": "235AZRFTG",
- "earliestDTTM": "2020-01-22T10:25:00",
- "latestDTTM": "2020-01-22T10:30:00",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "comments": {
- "commentType": 5,
- "commentDescription": "Carton should be in cooler all time"
}, - {
- "productIdentifier": "cx_300",
- "productCategory": "DRY",
- "deliveryType": "DO",
- "quantity": 1,
- "quantityUOM": "Cartons",
- "stopDetailSeq": 2,
- "markfor": {
- "address": {
- "addr1": "1503 SOUTH RUSSELL STREET",
- "addr2": "",
- "city": "MISSOULA",
- "state": "MT",
- "zip": "59801",
- "country": "US",
- "landmark": null,
- "latitude": null,
- "longitude": null
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": null,
- "email": null,
- "phone": null,
- "sms": null
}, - "custRouteNbr": 151,
- "custStopNbr": 135,
- "customerPO": "100PO",
- "customerOrderNbr": 124234356,
- "orderDate": "2019-12-10T00:00:00.000Z",
- "invoiceNbr": 102345001,
- "invoiceDate": "2019-12-09T00:00:00.000Z",
- "accountNumber": "ACC02",
- "toteID": 132245565,
- "trailerCode": "tc1",
- "ratingGroup": "018004789R",
- "signatureGroup": "SIG03",
- "palletID": "235AZRFTG",
- "earliestDTTM": "2020-01-22T10:25:00",
- "latestDTTM": "2020-01-22T10:26:00",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "comments": {
- "commentType": 5,
- "commentDescription": "Carton should be in cooler all time"
], - "stopAssignment": {
- "carrierCode": "XYZBP",
- "assignmentCriteria": 1
{- "status": "Success"
Assign a Stop to a Business Partner/Carrier using Carrier Code
companyCode required | string Company Code of Stop |
stopNbr required | string Unique alpha numeric value that refers to a Stop/Order |
carrierCode required | string <= 10 characters Load assigned carrier code. |
assignmentCriteria | string <= 10 characters It has a value 01 and when given so will look for the corresponding carrier code and assign the Load to available driver of that carrier. |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "carrierCode": "XYZBP",
- "assignmentCriteria": "01"
{- "status": "Success"
Unassign a Stop from a Carrier/Business Partner(Previously assigned to a Carrier)
companyCode required | string Company Code of Stop |
stopNbr required | string Unique alpha numeric value that refers to a Stop/Order |
carrierCode required | string <= 10 characters Load assigned carrier code. |
assignmentCriteria | string <= 10 characters It has a value 01 and when given so will look for the corresponding carrier code and assign the Load to available driver of that carrier. |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "carrierCode": "XYZBP",
- "assignmentCriteria": "01"
{- "status": "Success"
Delete/Reject a stop(in unplanned, created statuses)
companyCode required | string Company Code of Stop |
stopNbr required | string <= 20 characters Unique alpha numeric value that refers to a Stop. |
reasonCode required | string <= 10 characters Code that refers to the particular system code for canceling a Stop. |
reasonComments | string <= 500 characters Comments entered during the cancellation of a stop/order. |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "stopNbr": "S10001112",
- "reasonCode": "01",
- "reasonComments": "In-valid Stop details"
{- "status": "Success"
Import a advanced shipment notice (ASN)
serviceName required | string serviceName refer to custom integration for the company, set to "default" if not using a custom integration |
companyCode required | string Company Code of Stop |
companyCode required | string <= 20 characters Company Code of Stop. |
stops required | Array of objects (Stops) |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "companyCode": "XYZ",
- "stops": [
- {
- "stopNbr": "Stop039",
- "stopSeq": "1",
- "stopType": "DO",
- "from": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "txnRef": 45367463,
- "seq": "1",
- "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "EST",
- "estimatedDuration": "20"
}, - "workType": "CustomerSurveyForm",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "to": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "txnRef": 45367463,
- "seq": "1",
- "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "EST",
- "estimatedDuration": "20"
}, - "workType": "CustomerSurveyForm",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "shipForBP": "1163",
- "shipperCode": "S201",
- "profile": "Electronics",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "markfor": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "shipmentNbr": "ShipmentNbr003",
- "doConfirmation": "01",
- "puConfirmation": "00",
- "hubId": "LM1",
- "trailerCode": "tc2",
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "billTo": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "bol": "MBOL39203",
- "freightTerms": "new DC",
- "proNumber": "TC123",
- "reference1": "TCS1001",
- "reference2": "TCS1002",
- "sealNbr": 1,
- "stopPriority": 1,
- "totalCartons": "10",
- "totalPallets": "8",
- "volume": "10",
- "volumeUOM": "CBM",
- "weight": "100",
- "weightUOM": "Kg",
- "scheduleAttribute": "10S1",
- "markAsReceived": true,
- "receivedDttm": "2001-12-31T12:00:00",
- "laneNumber": "L1",
- "deliveryAttempt": 1,
- "altStopSeq": "A10",
- "stopGeofenceRadius": 150,
- "criticalDimension": "123.85",
- "criticalDimensionUOM": "inch",
- "totalPrice": "123.85",
- "stopAccessorials": [
- {
- "code": "ACC",
- "comments": "ACC report for Stop"
], - "stopDetails": [
- {
- "product": "SK-1932A-BRN-900",
- "productIdentifier": "zx_24",
- "quantity": "1",
- "quantityUOM": "Cartons",
- "stopDetailSeq": 1,
- "markfor": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "palletID": "235AZRFTG",
- "orderDate": "2019-12-10",
- "toteID": 132245565,
- "trailerCode": "tcl",
- "ratingGroup": "018004789R",
- "signatureGroup": "SIG03",
- "deliveryType": "DO",
- "customerPO": "100PO",
- "custRouteNbr": 151,
- "custStopNbr": 135,
- "customerOrderNbr": 124234356,
- "invoiceNbr": 102345001,
- "invoiceDate": "2019-12-09",
- "pickingNumber": "904729",
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "confirmationType": "P",
- "lineType": 1,
- "referenceText": "Fragile item",
- "originalLineNumber": "10",
- "serviceCategory": "UNITS@20151021-0047-PALLET_1-003",
- "volume": "10",
- "volumeUOM": "cubic meters",
- "weight": "100",
- "weightUOM": "kilograms",
- "unitPrice": 40.1,
- "productCategory": "DRY",
- "productSubCategory": "Boxes & Trays",
- "substituteItem": true,
- "commitmentItem": true,
- "redelivery": true,
- "earliestDTTM": "2019-03-25T10:30:00",
- "latestDTTM": "2019-03-25T10:33:00",
- "length": "123.85",
- "lengthUOM": "inch",
- "width": "123.85",
- "widthUOM": "inch",
- "height": "123.85",
- "heightUOM": "inch",
- "criticalDimension": "123.85",
- "criticalDimensionUOM": "inch",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "cartonContents": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "qty": 0
], - "confirmed": {
- "confirmedQty": "28",
- "scannedQty": "28",
- "puConfirmedQty": "28",
- "puScannedQty": "28",
- "exceptionReasonCode": "DMG",
- "exceptionComments": "Packing was damaged",
- "rcvQty": "28",
- "rcvScndQty": "28"
], - "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "customAttributes": [
- {
- "keyField": "Ratings",
- "keyValue": "Good"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "description": "Delivery confirmation document",
- "dispositionType": "Requires Signature",
- "documentData": "png file",
- "documentExtType": "Velocity Template",
- "documentName": "DeliveryDocument",
- "documentType": "03",
- "documentCategory": "BOL",
- "reference": "fbaecf83-c13e-4246-8b54-cae18af3ea39",
- "docSignatories": [
- {
- "role": "DI_Driver",
- "signatoryName": "Customer",
- "optional": true
], - "stopAssignment": {
- "carrierCode": "XYZBP",
- "assignmentCriteria": 1
{- "status": "Success"
Delete/Reject a ASN(InboundShipment status)
companyCode required | string Company Code of Stop |
stopNbr required | string <= 20 characters Unique alpha numeric value that refers to a Stop. |
reasonCode required | string <= 10 characters Code that refers to the particular system code for canceling a Stop. |
reasonComments | string <= 500 characters Comments entered during the cancellation of a stop/order. |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "stopNbr": "S10001112",
- "reasonCode": "01",
- "reasonComments": "In-valid Stop details"
{- "status": "Success"
Create or Update business partner
companyCode required | string Company Code for which Business Partner is created |
companyCode required | string <= 20 characters CompanyCode to which the Business parter belongs |
businessPartners | Array of objects (BusinessPartners) |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "companyCode": "XYZ",
- "businessPartners": [
- {
- "partnerCode": "XYZBP1",
- "partnerName": "ABC Transport",
- "partnerType": "Carrier",
- "contactName": "Jon",
- "contactEmail": ""
{- "status": "Success"
The User API, partners will be able to create users on the system.
User Roles | Comments |
MemberAdmin | This is a super admin user for a company and this user can Create new users Access to all admin functions within the system. User rights include Create/enable/disable new/existing users. Able to create/edit/update new filters, reports, and dashboards. No access to driver app |
DI_Receiver | With this role, the user will be able to login to the nuStockIt app and perform the action like Receive cartons Load returns |
DI_Integration | This is the Integration user role and can, Upload and interface load data into the system. Restricted/limited access to portal screens. No access to driver app. Cannot create/update new/existing users on platform |
DI_Inquiry | This is a view-only user role and the user can only have view-only access to specific portal screens,No access to driver app. For eg., the user will be able to access the various screens but will be prohibited from making any updates/changes on any of the portal screens |
DI_Driver | With this role, the user will be able to login to the driver app and perform the actions like, execute assigned loads/routes on the driver app (POD capture etc). No access to the portal. No edits/updates can be done to the loads assigned for execution on the app with this role |
DI_Dispatcher | The user can Login to the portal with the credentials provided. User access include create/enable/disable new/existing users. Perform all dispatcher functions required on the portal like create/edit/update loads/stops, assign /unassign drivers and carriers Restrictions included when creating/editing filters, reports, and dashboards. No access to driver app |
companyCode required | string CompanyCode to which the user belongs |
companyCode required | string <= 20 characters CompanyCode to which the User belongs |
users required | Array of objects (Users) |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "companyCode": "001Test",
- "users": [
- {
- "firstName": "Test",
- "lastName": "Bond",
- "middleName": "Neo",
- "userName": "TestUser",
- "password": "********",
- "gender": "Male",
- "dob": "2001-12-31T12:00:00",
- "email": "",
- "cdlNumber": "05112747890",
- "passwordNeverExpires": false,
- "forcePwdChg": false,
- "address1": "665 Washington Way",
- "address2": "Liberty Drive",
- "city": "Cumming",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30080",
- "country": "USA",
- "accountNumber": "56A31D",
- "assignedGroups": "memberadmin",
- "assignmentType": 1,
- "enabled": true,
- "unableToUseApp": true,
- "licenseAuthority": "DMV",
- "licenseExpirationDttm": "2001-12-31T12:00:00",
- "licenseState": "Georgia",
- "phoneNumber": "4048621577",
- "smsNumber": "4048621577",
- "userKey": "Client assign key",
- "profilePic": "Base64 png image",
- "userRoles": [
- {
- "role": [
- {
- "role": "MemberAdmin"
}, - {
- "role": "DI_Dispatcher"
}, - {
- "role": "DI_Driver"
}, - {
- "role": "DI_Inquiry"
}, - {
- "role": "DI_Integration"
}, - {
- "role": "DI_Receiver"
{- "status": "Success"
This API provides a list of available appointment/ service capacities. Given the an address and an optional order#, a list of available timeslots are sent back in the response. A subsequent API for reservation can be performed to reserve a time slot.
companyCode required | string Code of the nuDeliverIt Company |
Appointment request
apptRequest | object (Appointment request body) |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "apptRequest": {
- "orderId": "OrderId",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "quantity": "1",
- "weight": 1,
- "volume": 1,
- "apptStartDate": "2019-03-25T10:30:00",
- "partnerCode": "string",
- "serviceTime": 60,
- "schedulingAttribute": "string"
{- "apptRequest": {
- "orderId": "OrderId",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "partnerCode": "string",
- "schedulingAttribute": "string",
- "serviceRegion": "string",
- "timeSlots": [
- {
- "timeSlotId": "uniqueId001",
- "startDateTime": "2019-03-25T10:30",
- "endDateTime": "2019-03-25T10:30",
- "timeZone": "US/Eastern"
This API reserves the capacity for the Timeslot indicated. The reservation can be for an order that yet to be placed (OrderId = Not Available). The reservation is made for a temporary hold for {apptTTL} minutes.
It is necessary to indicate the capacity of the order in terms of weight/ volume/ qty/ service time. If the capacity/appt reservation does not contain any of the elements, then a reservation is not made.
The capacity reservation request can be made for an existing order as well as yet to be confirmed order.
For an existing order, the orderId must be mentioned. If the reservation request can be honored, the previous appt (if exists) will be released and the new appt will be updated directly on the order.
companyCode required | string Company Code |
Appointment reservation request
apptReservation | object (Appointment reservation request) |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "apptReservation": {
- "timeSlotId": "UniqueId001",
- "orderId": "OrderId",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "quantity": 1,
- "weight": 25,
- "volume": 10,
- "partnerCode": "string",
- "schedulingAttribute": "string"
{- "apptReservation": {
- "orderId": "OrderId",
- "apptStatus": "CONFIRMED",
- "apptTTL": 15,
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "schedulingAttribute": "string",
- "serviceRegion": "string"
Customer Order API is used to create a request to transport goods from a customer pickup location to a drop off location. Depending on the geographic locations, cross dock facilities involved in moving the goods can be provided to generate multiple shipments tied to the customer order.
companyCode required | string Code of the nuDeliverIt Company to which the Stop belongs to |
orderNbr required | string Unique alpha numeric value used to refer a Order |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
No information available for the provided request parameters.
Internal server error
{- "Order": [
- {
- "orderNbr": "Order039",
- "from": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "txnRef": 45367463,
- "seq": "1",
- "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "EST",
- "estimatedDuration": "20"
}, - "workType": "CustomerSurveyForm",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "to": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "txnRef": 45367463,
- "seq": "1",
- "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "EST",
- "estimatedDuration": "20"
}, - "workType": "CustomerSurveyForm",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "shipForBP": "1163",
- "shipperCode": "S201",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "shipmentNbr": "ShipmentNbr003",
- "doConfirmation": "SCAN-VER",
- "puConfirmation": "SCAN-VER",
- "originHub": "LM1",
- "xDock": "ATL,PTL",
- "trackHubXfr": "01",
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "billTo": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "bol": "MBOL39203",
- "freightTerms": "new DC",
- "proNumber": "TC123",
- "reference1": "TCS1001",
- "reference2": "TCS1002",
- "orderPriority": "01",
- "totalCartons": "10",
- "totalPallets": "8",
- "volume": "10",
- "volumeUOM": "CBM",
- "weight": "100",
- "weightUOM": "Kg",
- "scheduleAttribute": "10S1",
- "stopGeofenceRadius": 150,
- "criticalDimension": "123.85",
- "criticalDimensionUOM": "inch",
- "totalPrice": "123.85",
- "orderAccessorials": [
- {
- "code": "ACC",
- "comments": "ACC report for Stop"
], - "stopDetails": [
- {
- "product": "SK-1932A-BRN-900",
- "productIdentifier": "zx_24",
- "quantity": "1",
- "quantityUOM": "Cartons",
- "stopDetailSeq": 1,
- "palletID": "235AZRFTG",
- "orderDate": "2019-12-10",
- "toteID": 132245565,
- "trailerCode": "tcl",
- "ratingGroup": "018004789R",
- "signatureGroup": "SIG03",
- "deliveryType": "DO",
- "customerPO": "100PO",
- "custRouteNbr": 151,
- "custStopNbr": 135,
- "customerOrderNbr": 124234356,
- "invoiceNbr": 102345001,
- "invoiceDate": "2019-12-09",
- "pickingNumber": "904729",
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "confirmationType": "P",
- "lineType": 1,
- "referenceText": "Fragile item",
- "originalLineNumber": "10",
- "serviceCategory": "UNITS@20151021-0047-PALLET_1-003",
- "volume": "10",
- "volumeUOM": "cubic meters",
- "weight": "100",
- "weightUOM": "kilograms",
- "unitPrice": 40.1,
- "productCategory": "DRY",
- "productSubCategory": "Boxes & Trays",
- "substituteItem": true,
- "commitmentItem": true,
- "redelivery": true,
- "earliestDTTM": "2019-03-25T10:30:00",
- "latestDTTM": "2019-03-25T10:33:00",
- "length": "123.85",
- "lengthUOM": "inch",
- "width": "123.85",
- "widthUOM": "inch",
- "height": "123.85",
- "heightUOM": "inch",
- "criticalDimension": "123.85",
- "criticalDimensionUOM": "inch",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "customAttributes": [
- {
- "keyField": "Ratings",
- "keyValue": "Good"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "description": "Delivery confirmation document",
- "dispositionType": "Requires Signature",
- "documentData": "png file",
- "documentExtType": "Velocity Template",
- "documentName": "DeliveryDocument",
- "documentType": "03",
- "documentCategory": "BOL",
- "reference": "fbaecf83-c13e-4246-8b54-cae18af3ea39",
- "docSignatories": [
- {
- "role": "DI_Driver",
- "signatoryName": "Customer",
- "optional": true
Import a Order for a certain nuDeliverItCompany
serviceName required | string serviceName refer to custom integration for the company, set to "default" if not using a custom integration |
companyCode required | string Code of the nuDeliverIt Company to which the Stop belongs to |
companyCode required | string <= 20 characters Code of a nudeliverit Company to which the Order belongs to. |
orders required | Array of objects (Orders) |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "companyCode": "XYZ",
- "orders": [
- {
- "orderNbr": "Order039",
- "shipForBP": "1163",
- "shipperCode": "S201",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "from": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "GMT",
- "estDuration": 20
}, - "workType": "XXXX",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "to": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "In Cumberland Mall",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Jon",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "4049371973",
- "sms": "4049371973"
}, - "schedule": {
- "timeFrom": "2020-04-21T12:00:00",
- "timeTo": "2020-04-21T16:00:00",
- "timeZone": "GMT",
- "estDuration": 20
}, - "workType": "CustomerSurveyForm",
- "signatureRequired": true,
- "imageRequired": false,
- "feedbackForm": "CustomerSurvey"
}, - "shipmentNbr": "ShipmentNbr003",
- "puConfirmation": "SKIP",
- "doConfirmation": "SCAN-VER",
- "originHub": "LM1",
- "trackHubXfr": "01",
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "billTo": {
- "name": "test",
- "addr1": "1001 NOrth Taylor Road",
- "addr2": null,
- "city": "Rome",
- "state": "IL",
- "zip": "60446",
- "country": "US",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "bol": "MBOL39203",
- "freightTerms": "new DC",
- "proNumber": "TC123",
- "reference1": "TCS1001",
- "reference2": "TCS1002",
- "orderPriority": "01",
- "totalCartons": 10,
- "totalPallets": 8,
- "volume": 10,
- "volumeUOM": "CBM",
- "weight": 100,
- "weightUOM": "Kg",
- "scheduleAttribute": "10S1",
- "stopGeofenceRadius": 150,
- "criticalDimension": 123.85,
- "criticalDimensionUOM": "inch",
- "totalPrice": 123.85,
- "orderAccessorials": [
- {
- "code": "ACC",
- "comments": "ACC report for Stop"
], - "stopDetails": [
- {
- "product": "SK-1932A-BRN-900",
- "productIdentifier": "zx_24",
- "quantity": 1,
- "quantityUOM": "Cartons",
- "stopDetailSeq": 1,
- "palletID": "235AZRFTG",
- "orderDate": "2019-12-10",
- "toteID": "132245565",
- "trailerCode": "tcl",
- "ratingGroup": "018004789R",
- "signatureGroup": "SIG03",
- "deliveryType": "DO",
- "customerPO": "100PO",
- "custRouteNbr": "151",
- "custStopNbr": "135",
- "customerOrderNbr": "124234356",
- "invoiceNbr": "102345001",
- "invoiceDate": "2019-12-09",
- "pickingNumber": "904729",
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "confirmationType": "P",
- "lineType": "01",
- "referenceText": "Fragile item",
- "originalLineNumber": "10",
- "serviceCategory": "UNITS@20151021-0047-PALLET_1-003",
- "volume": 10,
- "volumeUOM": "cubic meters",
- "weight": 100,
- "weightUOM": "kilograms",
- "unitPrice": 40.1,
- "productCategory": "DRY",
- "productSubCategory": "Boxes & Trays",
- "substituteItem": true,
- "commitmentItem": true,
- "redelivery": true,
- "earliestDTTM": "2019-03-25T10:30:00",
- "latestDTTM": "2019-03-25T10:33:00",
- "length": 123.85,
- "lengthUOM": "inch",
- "width": 123.85,
- "widthUOM": "inch",
- "height": 123.85,
- "heightUOM": "inch",
- "criticalDimension": 123.85,
- "criticalDimensionUOM": "inch",
- "consAttribute": "DNCA26R1S1021820",
- "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "comments": [
- {
- "commentType": "01",
- "commentDescription": "Stop Deliver to Cumberland Mall"
], - "customAttributes": [
- {
- "keyField": "Ratings",
- "keyValue": "Good"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "description": "Delivery confirmation document",
- "dispositionType": "Requires Signature",
- "documentData": "png file",
- "documentExtType": "Velocity Template",
- "documentName": "DeliveryDocument",
- "documentType": "03",
- "documentCategory": "BOL",
- "reference": "fbaecf83-c13e-4246-8b54-cae18af3ea39",
- "docSignatories": [
- {
- "role": "DI_Driver",
- "signatoryName": "Customer",
- "optional": true
{- "status": "Success"
Delete/Reject a stop(in unplanned, created statuses)
companyCode required | string Code of the nuDeliverIt Company to which the Stop/Order belongs to |
orderNbr required | string <= 20 characters Unique alpha numeric value that refers to a Order. |
reasonCode required | string <= 10 characters Code that refers to the particular nuDeliverit system code for canceling a order. |
reasonComments | string <= 500 characters Comments entered during the cancellation of a stop/order. |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "orderNbr": "S10001112",
- "reasonCode": "01",
- "reasonComments": "In-valid Stop details"
{- "status": "Success"
Customer API is used to create a request to create/update/delete a Customer. Customers represent the shipper who will be providing orders to the carriers.
companyCode required | string Code of the nuDeliverIt Company to which the Customer belongs to |
accountNumber required | string Unique alpha numeric value used to refer a Customer |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
No information available for the provided request parameters.
Internal server error
{- "Customer": [
- {
- "accountNumber": "ACC01",
- "name": "customer1",
- "billTo": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "contracts": [
- {
- "contractCode": "contract-1"
], - "status": "ACTIVE",
- "addresses": [
- {
- "label": "East Office",
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Stop",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "operatingHours": {
- "timeFrom": "01:33:00",
- "timeTo": "06:33:00"
Import a Customer for a certain nuDeliverItCompany
companyCode required | string Code of the nuDeliverIt Company to which the Customer belongs to |
companyCode required | string <= 20 characters Code of a nudeliverit Company to which the Customer belongs to. |
customers required | Array of objects (Customers) |
Bad request; request contains invalid data
You are not authorized to access the resource
The resource you were trying to reach is not found
Internal server error
{- "companyCode": "XYZ",
- "customers": [
- {
- "accountNumber": "ACC_123",
- "name": "John McClane",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "contracts": [
- {
- "contractCode": "CRT-1"
}, - {
- "contractCode": "CRT-2"
], - "billTo": {
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Near Milkyway Galaxy",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Customer",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "addresses": [
- {
- "label": "Primary",
- "address": {
- "name": "Cumberland Mall",
- "addr1": "2860 Cumberland Mall",
- "addr2": "Shop 300",
- "city": "Atlanta",
- "state": "GA",
- "zip": "30339",
- "country": "USA",
- "landmark": "Near Milkyway Galaxy",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Customer",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "operatingHours": {
- "timeFrom": "01:30:00",
- "timeTo": "07:30:00"
}, - {
- "label": "East Office",
- "address": {
- "name": "test",
- "addr1": "1001 North Taylor Road",
- "addr2": null,
- "city": "Rome",
- "state": "IL",
- "zip": "60446",
- "country": "US",
- "landmark": "Hub001",
- "latitude": 37.99878,
- "longitude": -87.7889879
}, - "contact": {
- "contactName": "Test-Customer",
- "email": "",
- "phone": "3489865974",
- "sms": "3489865974"
}, - "operatingHours": {
- "timeFrom": "01:30:00",
- "timeTo": "07:30:00"
{- "status": "Success"